Cook­ie and Pri­vacy policy


Pri­vacy policy

The pur­pose of this pri­vacy state­ment is to in­form you, as a user of the web­site, about the nature, ex­tent and pur­pose of the col­lec­tion and use of per­son­al data by us as the op­er­at­or of this web­site. Crafft AG, with its re­gistered of­fice at Hohl­strasse 201 in 8004 Zurich (, takes the pro­tec­tion of all your data very ser­i­ously and treats your per­son­al data con­fid­en­tially and in ac­cord­ance with the stat­utory pro­vi­sions. It is im­port­ant to know that data trans­mis­sion on the In­ter­net can al­ways in­volve risks. Com­plete pro­tec­tion against ac­cess by third parties is not feas­ible. This data pro­tec­tion de­clar­a­tion has been drawn up in ac­cord­ance with the Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act.



By us­ing our web­site, you agree to this data pro­tec­tion de­clar­a­tion and also con­sent to the use of the func­tions ex­plained therein, namely the use of cook­ies and the use of ana­lys­is tools and aids for tar­get group-ori­en­ted or in­di­vidu­al­ised ad­vert­ising. If you do not agree to cer­tain func­tions, you can use the opt-out meth­ods ex­plained be­low.

You can re­ject or con­trol the use of cook­ies in the cur­rent ver­sions of all com­mon web browsers (such as Fire­fox, Chrome, In­ter­net Ex­plorer and Sa­fari). In ad­di­tion, the pro­viders of the afore­men­tioned ana­lys­is and mar­ket­ing func­tions provide their own tools (such as spe­cial browser add-ons or opt-out cook­ies) for set­tings of their cook­ies and sim­il­ar means, in­clud­ing those af­fil­i­ated with the Net­work Ad­vert­ising Ini­ti­at­ive and those af­fil­i­ated with the Di­git­al Ad­vert­ising Al­li­ance.



Some of the In­ter­net pages use so-called cook­ies. These cook­ies do not cause any dam­age to your com­puter, nor can they con­tain vir­uses. They serve to make our of­fer more user-friendly, ef­fect­ive and se­cure. Cook­ies are small text files that are stored on your com­puter and saved by your browser. Most of the cook­ies we use are so-called "ses­sion cook­ies". They are auto­mat­ic­ally de­leted at the end of your vis­it. Oth­er cook­ies re­main stored on your end device un­til you de­lete them. These cook­ies en­able us to re­cog­nise your browser on your next vis­it.

You can set your browser so that you are in­formed about the set­ting of cook­ies and only al­low cook­ies in in­di­vidu­al cases, ex­clude the ac­cept­ance of cook­ies for cer­tain cases or gen­er­ally and ac­tiv­ate the auto­mat­ic de­le­tion of cook­ies when clos­ing the browser. If you de­ac­tiv­ate cook­ies, however, the func­tion­al­ity of this web­site may be lim­ited.


Con­tact form

If you send us en­quir­ies via the con­tact form, your de­tails from the en­quiry form, in­clud­ing the con­tact de­tails you provide there, will be stored by us for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing the en­quiry and in the event of fol­low-up ques­tions. We do not pass on this data without your con­sent.


News­let­ter data

If you would like to re­ceive the news­let­ter offered on the web­site, we re­quire an e-mail ad­dress from you as well as in­form­a­tion that al­lows us to veri­fy that you are the own­er of the e-mail ad­dress provided and that you agree to re­ceive the news­let­ter. No fur­ther data will be col­lec­ted. We use this data ex­clus­ively for send­ing the re­ques­ted in­form­a­tion and do not pass it on to third parties. 


Google Ana­lyt­ics

This web­site uses func­tions of the web ana­lys­is ser­vice Google Ana­lyt­ics. The pro­vider is Google Inc, 1600 Am­phi­theatre Park­way Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Ana­lyt­ics uses so-called "cook­ies", which are used as de­scribed above. The in­form­a­tion gen­er­ated by the Google cook­ie about your use of this web­site is usu­ally trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and stored there. Google ex­plains fur­ther de­tails in its data pro­tec­tion doc­u­ment­a­tion. You can de­ac­tiv­ate Google Ana­lyt­ics for your browser us­ing an add-on.


Browser plug-in

You may re­fuse the use of cook­ies by se­lect­ing the ap­pro­pri­ate set­tings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­al­ity of this web­site. In ad­di­tion, you can pre­vent the col­lec­tion of the data gen­er­ated by the cook­ie and re­lated to your use of the web­site (in­cl. your IP ad­dress) by Google as well as the pro­cess­ing of this data by Google by down­load­ing and in­stalling the browser plug-in avail­able un­der the following link.



Our web­site uses func­tions of the Linked­In net­work. The pro­vider is Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion, 2029 Sti­er­lin Court, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time one of our pages con­tain­ing Linked­In func­tions is ac­cessed, a con­nec­tion to Linked­In serv­ers is es­tab­lished. Linked­In is in­formed that you have vis­ited our web­site with your IP ad­dress. If you click the Linked­In "Re­com­mend" but­ton and are logged in­to your Linked­In ac­count, it is pos­sible for Linked­In to as­so­ci­ate your vis­it to our web­site with your user ac­count. We would like to point out that we, as the pro­vider of the pages, have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Linked­In. You can find more in­form­a­tion on this in Linked­In's pri­vacy policy at: ht­tps://www.linked­­al/pri­vacy-policy.


In­form­a­tion, de­le­tion and block­ing

You have the right at any time to free in­form­a­tion about your stored per­son­al data, its ori­gin and re­cip­i­ent and the pur­pose of data pro­cess­ing, as well as the right to cor­rect, block or de­lete this data. For this pur­pose as well as for fur­ther ques­tions on the sub­ject of per­son­al data, you can con­tact us at any time at the ad­dress giv­en in the im­print. 



We use func­tions of the web ser­vice Hot­jar, op­er­ated by Hot­jar Ltd.

Hot­jar is a European com­pany based in Malta. Hot­jar also uses cook­ies. The in­form­a­tion gen­er­ated by cook­ies about your use of this web­site is usu­ally trans­mit­ted to a Hot­jar serv­er and stored there.


On­line ap­plic­a­tion

We are happy to ac­cept your ap­plic­a­tion for our ad­vert­ised po­s­i­tions or on your own ini­ti­at­ive on our web­site. For this pur­pose, we re­quire vari­ous per­son­al data which, with your ex­pli­cit con­sent, we store on our in­tern­al ap­plic­ant data­base and as­so­ci­ated sys­tems un­til you re­voke your con­sent for fur­ther job of­fers. If we do not suc­ceed in hir­ing you, we will de­lete your ap­plic­ant data no later than one year after re­ceipt, un­less you ex­pressly con­sent to fur­ther stor­age of the data in our tal­ent pool. In this case, the leg­al basis for the data col­lec­tion res­ults from Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO.