

Con­tact ad­dress

Crafft AG
Hohl­strasse 201
8004 Zürich, Sch­weiz


Au­thor­ised rep­res­ent­at­ive

Mi­chael Rütti, Own­er


Com­mer­cial re­gister entry

Re­gistered com­pany name: Crafft AG
Com­mer­cial re­gister no.: CH02030258018
VAT-No.: CHE-109.569.152


Gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions

Please find our de­tailed terms and con­di­tions here



The au­thor as­sumes no li­ab­il­ity what­so­ever with re­gard to the cor­rect­ness, ac­cur­acy, up-to-date­ness, re­li­ab­il­ity and com­plete­ness of the in­form­a­tion.

Li­ab­il­ity claims re­gard­ing dam­age caused by the use of any in­form­a­tion provided, in­clud­ing any kind of in­form­a­tion which is in­com­plete or in­cor­rect, will there­fore be re­jec­ted.

All of­fers are non-bind­ing. The au­thor ex­pressly re­serves the right to change, sup­ple­ment or de­lete parts of the pages or the en­tire of­fer without spe­cial no­tice or to dis­con­tin­ue pub­lic­a­tion tem­por­ar­ily or per­man­ently.


Dis­claim­er for links

Ref­er­ences and links to third party web­sites are out­side our area of re­spons­ib­il­ity. We do not ac­cept any re­spons­ib­il­ity for such web­sites. Ac­cess to and use of such web­sites is at the user's own risk.



The copy­right and all oth­er rights to the con­tent, im­ages, pho­tos or oth­er files on this web­site be­long ex­clus­ively to Crafft AG or its part­ners. The writ­ten con­sent of the copy­right hold­er must be ob­tained in ad­vance for the re­pro­duc­tion of any ele­ments.

A big thank you to all the pho­to­graph­ers and il­lus­trat­ors in our net­work — you al­ways make our work ex­cit­ing and en­rich­ing.