
Award-winning editorial design for the health insurance industry

  • Ein GIF der verschiedenen Helsana SENSO Covers über die Jahre.

Crafft con­ceived and real­ised the cus­tom­er magazine over a peri­od of six years and re­ceived sev­er­al gold awards for it.  


Senso is the private cus­tom­er magazine of the health in­sur­ance com­pany Hels­ana. Its primary pur­pose is cus­tom­er loy­alty and im­age trans­fer. In ad­di­tion, the magazine is in­ten­ded to provide in­form­a­tion about new or mod­i­fied products and ser­vices of Switzer­land's largest health in­sur­ance com­pany. Senso aims to provide read­ers with use­ful in­form­a­tion, for ex­ample by ad­dress­ing de­vel­op­ments in health policy and ex­plain­ing their im­pact on poli­cy­hold­ers. Senso also aims to en­cour­age healthy be­ha­viour and more ex­er­cise. Last but not least, the magazine aims to en­ter­tain its read­ers. Journ­al­ist­ic­ally care­fully pre­pared top­ics, in­ter­est­ing art­icles and a gen­er­ous visu­al lan­guage meet the needs of the het­ero­gen­eous read­er­ship. Re­sponse op­tions in the magazine and on the in­ter­net con­trib­ute to in­tens­ive con­tact with read­ers. 

  • Ansicht diverser Seiten des SENSO Magazins für Helsana.

Crafft x Hel­sa­na

  •  Art Dir­ec­tion

  • Ed­it­or­i­al Design 

  • In­tern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion

  • Print pro­duc­tion
