
Business Campus: Interior Design. Space of the future.

Unser Touchscreen Design der Infowall des Swisscom Business Campus.
Unser Touchscreen Design der Infowall des Swisscom Business Campus.

As soon as they enter the cam­pus, Swis­scom's busi­ness cus­tom­ers should ex­per­i­ence that it’s all about the in­nov­at­ive work of today.

All rooms and dis­plays can be flex­ibly filled with con­tent, cre­at­ing the right en­vir­on­ment and am­bi­ence for events, we­binars and con­sulta­tions on data-driv­en busi­nesses of the fu­ture.

  • Bild zu Artificial Intelligence von Swisscom.
  • Unser Touchscreen Design der Infowall des Swisscom Business Campus.

How to give an 800-square-metre space in the hip Zürich West neigh­bour­hood its own iden­tity? Vis­it­ors to the Busi­ness Cam­pus ex­plore top­ics like ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, smart work or cloud on entry. The idea is to get them in­to a pi­on­eer­ing mind­set for ser­vices of the fu­ture. Con­tent cre­ation be­comes an ex­per­i­ence, seam­lessly con­nect­ing the space to the activ­it­ies in­side, of­fer­ing the best con­di­tions for the de­vel­op­ment of new solu­tions and suc­cess­ful busi­ness mod­els.

Unser Touchscreen Design der Infowall des Swisscom Business Campus.
Unser Touchscreen Design der Infowall des Swisscom Business Campus.
Der Swisscom Business Campus.
Der Swisscom Business Campus.

The place soon showed res­ults, with Swis­scom Busi­ness Cam­pus quickly be­com­ing a brand in its own right and is now syn­onym­ous with fu­ture-ori­ented meet­ings. The oc­cu­pancy rate of the cam­pus rose rap­idly, be­com­ing a val­ued loc­a­tion for both Swis­scom em­ploy­ees and cus­tom­ers.


Swis­scom x Crafft

The cre­ation of the In­spir­a­tion Wall for the Swis­scom Busi­ness Cam­pus in Zurich is not your every­day as­sign­ment. Crafft had the unique op­por­tun­ity to com­bine di­git­al and phys­ic­al storytelling in the headquar­ters of one of Switzer­land's largest IT com­pan­ies. We also de­signed Dia­logue, an on­line magazine for Swis­scom's cor­por­ate cli­ents.

  • In­teri­or design Swis­scom Busi­ness Cam­pus 2017–20
  • In­spir­a­tion Wall for Busi­ness Cam­pus – con­tent concept and story telling 2015–17
  • Brand­ing Swis­scom Busi­ness Cam­pus 
  • Di­git­al plat­form for B2B cli­ents 2015–18



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