Zug Estates

Content hub to enter into dialog with key stakeholders

Einstiegsbild der Zug Estates Lebensraum Metalli Website.


With shift­ing trends in leis­ure and shop­ping, and the dy­nam­ic de­vel­op­ment of its urb­an con­text the Metalli shop­ping centre finds it­self in the middle of mul­tiple trans­form­a­tion pres­sures.

See­ing these pres­sures as in­ter­con­nec­ted, we de­veloped a hol­ist­ic re-po­s­i­tion­ing strategy around the cam­paign "Lebens­raum Metalli" with an out­look to the year 2030 and a pro­gram for con­tinu­ous stake­hold­er man­age­ment.

  • In Work­shops er­mit­tel­ten wir ge­mein­sam mit dem Kun­den Zug Estates die drei Haupt­wer­te des Brands für Lebensraum Metalli.
  • In Work­shops er­mit­tel­ten wir ge­mein­sam mit dem Kun­den Zug Estates die drei Haupt­wer­te des Brands für Lebensraum Metalli.


In work­shops, we worked with the cli­ent to identi­fy the three main val­ues of the brand: open­ness, at­tract­ive­ness and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. Based on the brand val­ues, our cam­paign and in­ter­act­ive plat­form provide new com­mu­nic­a­tion and in­ter­ac­tion chan­nels that bet­ter con­nect Metalli with its dy­nam­ic loc­al con­text. The open design sys­tem al­lows for vari­ous forms of stake­hold­er en­gage­ment as well as the ne­ces­sary dif­fer­en­ti­ation and space for fur­ther de­vel­op­ment.

Laptop-Ausschnitt aus der Lebensraum Metalli Website.
Device-Ausschnitte der Lebensraum Metalli Website.
Device-Ausschnitte der Lebensraum Metalli Website.
"Places are only as vibrant as the people who use the place. It's their engagement that matters."
Scott Lloyd


The val­ues, vis­ion and key data of the pro­ject are presen­ted to stake­hold­ers via the web plat­form Lebensraum Metalli . The plat­form fa­cil­it­ates dia­log throughout the en­tire dur­a­tion of the pro­ject through mul­tiple call-to ac­tions and an ed­it­or­i­al pro­gram based on peri­od­ic­al user in­puts. To im­ple­ment the plat­form with­in the few weeks spe­cified by the cli­ent, we used Web­flow, a visu­al on­line edit­ing plat­form that helped stream­line the pro­duc­tion and provided the cli­ent with run­ning in­sights on its de­vel­op­ment.

Einblicke in das Magazin von Lebensraum Metalli.
Einblicke in das Magazin von Lebensraum Metalli.
Plakate für das Lebensraum Metalli Projekt.
Plakate für das Lebensraum Metalli Projekt.
Neues Lebensraum metalli Journal
Neues Lebensraum Metalli journal
Expertise + Technology
  • Brand­stra­t­egy
  • User Re­se­arch

  • UX/UI De­sign

  • Con­tent

  • CMS

  • Web­flow


Lebensraum Metalli

Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS