
How Pasta Tuesday strengthens team cohesion

  • Unser monatliches Pasta essen mit dem Team.

Hu­go Vuyk | 15. Au­gust 2022 | 1 min read­ing time


At Crafft, we ap­ply our prin­ciple of «sim­pli­fy everything you can» to team build­ing as well. What this has to do with pasta.

There are all sorts of ways to build bonds among team mem­bers. Some busi­nesses go to ex­tremes to do it – lux­uri­ous week­end re­treats, city-wide scav­en­ger hunts, even treks to exot­ic loc­a­tions like Machu Pic­chu or Mount Kili­man­jaro. To keep your em­ploy­ees con­nec­ted and en­gaged, we think you don’t need to spend gobs of money and time on com­plic­ated trips or scen­ari­os. That's why we do it dif­fer­ently.

We do it the simple way. We have our monthly Pasta-Tues­day which is our get-to­geth­er with the team, our cli­ents and friends of the house. It's a great way to sup­port the cre­ation of a high­er-per­form­ing, co­hes­ive team. It also helps new hires dig in and feel like they are part of the team.

We are proud of this tra­di­tion at Crafft and would like to in­vite you to try it with your team. Or drop us a line, and join us if you are in the area!