
"Inspiring greater connections" is the core idea behind the place branding for Archhöfe

  • Mockup für den Kunden Archhöfe.

In a world where everything changes, the brand is one of the few stable ele­ments.


A brand needs a high de­gree of re­pe­ti­tion to main­tain the trust of the col­lect­ive. The brand plays a cent­ral role in the de­vel­op­ment of a com­pany. In­tern­ally, it cre­ates iden­tity; ex­tern­ally, it func­tions as an ori­ent­a­tion aid and gives the com­pany a unique pro­file on the mar­ket.

Brand man­age­ment is an on­go­ing pro­cess. In or­der to build brands ef­fi­ciently, a clear and long-term ori­en­ted brand policy is needed. Only in this way is a brand cred­ible. The con­stant re­pe­ti­tion of core mes­sages strengthens the brand.

The Arch­höfe are the urb­an centre in the middle of Win­ter­thur. They of­fer an at­tract­ive com­bin­a­tion of re­tail, gast­ro­nomy, flats and of­fices. The ar­chi­tec­ture and in­teri­or design of the Arch­höfe are mod­ern and for­ward-look­ing, the at­mo­sphere is very hu­man. They com­bine in­nov­a­tion with tra­di­tion and stand for the new Win­ter­thur. Fam­il­ies feel just as com­fort­able here as busi­ness people - and young trend­set­ters feel the pulse of the times.

  • Konzept Mockup Archhöfe, City Mall in Winterthur.
  • Modell von Archhöfe Gebäude
  • Branding Items von Archhöfe, City Mall in Winterthur.
  • Branding Items von Archhöfe, City Mall in Winterthur.
  • Mockup Magazin Archhöfe

Crafft x Arch­hö­fe

  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Cre­ation 

  • UX/UI Design 

  • Leas­ing (B2C/B2B) with CRM sys­tem

  • Ad­vert­ising ma­ter­i­al / Open­ing cam­paign



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